Once Forbidden by Brisbin Terri

Once Forbidden by Brisbin Terri

Author:Brisbin, Terri [Brisbin, Terri]
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Fiction
ISBN: 1479252573
Publisher: Terri Brisbin
Published: 2011-12-09T08:00:00+00:00

Chapter 18

If she'd cut his heart out with a spoon, it could not have hurt

any more than it did now. Every word, every glance, every plea she

whispered under her breath, tore into his soul and left him in shreds.

Even now, it hurt to glance over at her as she rode next to him and

see the defeat and desperation in her eyes. But what choice did he

have in this? Struan would be out searching for her as soon as her

absence was noticed. He had his own suspicions about why Struan

never pursued Sandy's kiler, but he could not let this go. It would

not take long before Struan began to suspect that they might be

together. And what he'd told her was true—she could be kiled for

what she'd done.

Robert looked overhead, trying to gauge the setting sun's

position and how much time they had left to reach the croft before

dark. It had been difficult for Anice to sit on her pony because of

her head injury. He had offered to take her up before him but she

refused. Now he was about to insist or they would face another

night in the forest.

He forced himself to look at her once more. She cradled the

babe within the sling in front of her. Craig's behavior had been most

accommodating so far; he'd slept and ate or he'd lain within his plaid

wrapper luled into compliance by the soft rocking motion of the

pony's walk. He would be ready to eat soon and Robert hoped that

Anice's endurance would not give out yet.

He slowed Dubh down to come next to her. She looked over

at him with the same fearful expression he'd seen so many times

during her pregnancy. Seeing it again reminded him of how much he

hated it.

"Come, ride with me." He held out his hands to help her over.

"Nay." She shook her head to emphasize her refusal.

He simply leaned over and lifted her and the babe onto his lap.

She turned to rock in his arms, not moving, not resting back against

him even when he urged his stalion forward. The feel of her in his

arms was simply too much to ignore. He urged her with gentle

motions to lean back. Her exhaustion must have won the argument

for a few minutes later, she did rest against him.

"We can get to the croft much faster this way, Anice. I dinna

want ye and the babe wi'out shelter tonight. From the feel of the

wind, a storm is coming our way."

She nodded but said nothing. With her positioned on his

spread legs, he could hardly breathe. 'Twas not her weight that

caused it of course, but the thoughts that ran rampant in his mind.

And his body responded. The ride was both heaven and hel.

* ~ * ~ *

They arrived at the croft just after sunset and not a moment too

soon. Robert had no sooner watered and fed the horses and placed

them in the lean-to behind the croft, than the skies opened and

poured down rain. The smal cottage would offer them shelter and

some measure of comfort against the weather for the night. He

could go to the keep tomorrow and get some additional supplies

and food.


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